“Exclusive. Personal. Global.”

Anja Humljan’s work is a place for people with exquisite taste and self-awareness. 

Partnering across Europe, US, UK, and Singapore she delivers exclusive solutions to art & design institutions,  schools & universities, research & healthcare centres biennials & festivalscommercial brands, broadcasting companies and private clients.

As an academic fellow at the Singapore School of Medicine, she pioneered ‘Return to Senses‘, a sensory approach to architectural design that is both aesthetically pleasing and healing.

Promoting healthier cities, she has reached a global audience as the artist behind ‘The Urban Yoga‘ photos and book, sold to 20+ countries and featured in 200+ publications worldwide.

Humljan grew up as a professional athlete and dancer holding several track and field records competing at the youth Olympics.

You can get her book ‘The Urban Yoga’ here.


The video was created for the Embodied Space Exhibition at National University Singapore Mind Science Centre.

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