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Mind Art Experience Lab (MAE Lab) is a multidisciplinary initiative from Mind Science Centre under the National University Singapore (NUS) School of Medicine. MAE Lab brings together scientists and practitioners in art and architecture to foster collaboration and research. Exploring the impact of the arts and architecture on the human brain and behaviour, MAE Lab’s mission is to develop mental resilience and enhance the way we live.

Behind the scenes (TUY Alexandra Hospital)

Together we created a The Urban Yoga (TUY) Alexandra Hospital photo series demonstrating a simplified view of the intimate connection between our body and the environment. These photos will be an important part of an “Embodied Space” exhibition showcasing a scope of work that I have produced during the academic fellowship at the NUS School of Medicine. The exhibition is scheduled for end of 2020, so this article is focusing on presenting the behind the scene photos from the photo shoot.

Behind the scenes (TUY Alexandra Hospital)

Alexandra Hospital was constructed in 1938 as the biggest British military hospital in the colonial empire. It became a part of the National University of Singapore (NUS) Medical School in 1995. Alexandra Hospital has been declared as a conserved building as well as a historic site in recognition of the medical services it provided during  World War II. To commemorate a cultural monument of national importance NUS commissioned a TUY Alexandra Hospital photo series.

Behind the scenes (TUY Alexandra Hospital)

Performing for The Urban Yoga photos I am embodying three roles: architect, architectural element, and performer. My body becomes an architectural element shaped by the architect and perfected by the performer. You will be able to see TUY Alexandra Hospital photo series in its entirety at the Embodied Space exhibition. It will be exhibited alongside to TUY Ljubljana, a photo series shot in my hometown – a green capital in central Europe.

Behind the scenes (TUY Alexandra Hospital)

Would you like to commemorate an architectural monument of national importance? Get in touch – we’d love to create a the TUY photo series for you!