As I started out the Kickstarter campaign some people expressed their doubts about my decision on getting a copy of the pdf of The UY Photo Book to everyone who says “hi” to us on KS and lets The UY say “hi” to their friends on social media. I have never been sure, whether this decision has been good or bad for me. And it has never been my main concern. What mattered to me most was to instil the message of The Urban Yoga to as many bodies, minds and souls as possible. I believe in the good cause. Maybe I am a bit naïve, but as my friend told me once – it is nothing wrong with being naïve, but with the fact that people are taking advantage of it. And I have been at peace, ever since. Most will do their best to pledge for The UY Book and those who really cannot make it, should also have an opportunity to embrace the message of The Urban Yoga. I made it for people. I made it for you.
What I would like to share with you is that the urban environment should not be regarded as something, which disturbs our harmony, but rather as a vital element that contributes to it. Have you ever observed how with our skin, muscles, and bones we feel relationships among elements that may welcome or exclude us, textures that may caress or that may rub? Colors that foster a range of atmospheres? Smells and fragrances that can awaken our long-forgotten memories? Sounds, which envelop us with harmony, rhythm, and melody? And light that guides, surprises, and conceals? As long as our bodies will relate to real space, as our heart relates to our body, cities will remain blossoming, citizens will live a fruitful life, and as for architecture itself, it will continue to direct our consciousness back to the world and towards our own sense of being.